沖縄で世界を観る!「りっかりっか*フェスタ」2017 Come See the World at "ricca ricca*festa" 2017!

デュッセルドルフ青少年劇場(ドイツ)の『アダムズワールド』 写真提供:りっかりっか*フェスタ Adam’s World by Junges Schauspiel / Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus (Germany) Photo Courtesy of ricca ricca*festa

沖縄の夏の風物詩の一つになった、「りっかりっか*フェスタ」の愛称で知られる「国際児童・青少年演劇フェスティバルおきなわ」が今年も那覇市おもろまちを中心に7月24日(月)~ 30日(日)の7日間にわたり開催されます。世界各地で活躍するトップクラスのアーティスト達の質の高いパフォーマンスで、子供のみならず、大人も十分に楽しめる児童演劇フェスティバルです。

International Theater Festival OKINAWA for Young Audiences, which is known as “ricca ricca*festa” to many people, is coming to Okinawa this summer again! Omoromachi, Naha City as the center of the festival, it will be held between 24 – 30 July 2017. ricca ricca*festa brings high quality productions from around the world every year, and not only children but also adults can very much enjoy this theater festival.

History of ricca ricca*festa



The first festival was held in 1994 in the central part of Okinawa’s main island as the first international theater festival for young audiences in Asia. The second festival was held in 2005 as “Kijimuna Festa” in Okinawa City, and thereafter, the festa has been held every summer. The festa’s main venues were moved to Naha City in 2014 and the nick name was changed to “ricca ricca*festa”.

World’s Top-Class Performances

マダムバッハ(デンマーク)の『ウィンド~風といっしょに~』  写真提供:りっかりっか*フェスタ Wind by Theatre Madam Bach (Denmark) Photo Courtesy of ricca ricca*festa




エーシーオー沖縄(日本)の『炎の鐘』  写真提供:りっかりっか*フェスタ Possessed by Love by ACO Okinawa (Japan)   Photo Courtesy of ricca ricca*festa

The best thing about ricca ricca*festa is that you can see world’s top-class performances without leaving Okinawa. This year, 23 productions from eight different countries were selected, and total 80 performances are scheduled during the festival. The festa uses a school class room, public meeting room, and even church as venue to set up a stage. The space is usually small and audiences can see the great performances right in front of their eyes!

From Baby to Adult!


ロイスクアンサンブル(フィンランド)の『フィンランドのベビーサウナ』 写真提供:りっかりっか*フェスタ BabySauna by Loiske Ensemble (Finland)  Photo Courtesy of ricca ricca*festa

パフォーマーのRiikka Siiralaさんは、今回また、りっかりっか*フェスタに参加できることを「とても嬉しくて、興奮している」と語っています。前回は別の作品でしたが、優しい音楽と動きで子供達を魅了しました。終盤には客席の親子にステージに入ってもらい、一緒に体を動かして舞台が終了し、まさに、パフォーマーと観客が一体になる作品でした。



The motto of ricca ricca*festa is “productions which can be enjoyed from 0 year old to adults”. In 2017, the festa hosts Theatre for Babies and Denmark Focus (to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Denmark-Japan relationship) as featuring productions. BabySauna by Loiske Ensemble (Finland) is a production for 0 – 2 years old. Loiske Ensemble was invited to the festa in 2014 with different production, and many babies and their parents enjoyed soothing music and dreamy stage. The performer Ms. Riikka Siirala said she was “so happy and exited” to come to ricca ricca*festa again! Okinawa Sansan (please see 6 Jan 2017 blog) by ACO Okinawa (Japan) with colorful and energetic Okinawa’s traditional performing arts will be also held this year again!

Join the Festa as Volunteers




ricca ricca*festa seeks volunteer staff every year. Working as a volunteer, you will be able to see how stage gets set up from zero in the place such as park or meeting room, and to lean lots of things from the performers, theater company, and all the staff working at the site. It will be a great experience, and will broaden your horizon!

Getting Tickets


ダイナモ・シアター(カナダ)の『アイ オン ザ スカイ』 写真提供:りっかりっか*フェスタ I on the sky by DynamO Théâtre (Canada) Photo Courtesy of ricca ricca*festa



There are many interesting productions scheduled during the festival. FRIEND 5 is a set of 5 tickets for 5,500yen (Advance tickets). You may use them to see different productions or share them with your friends and family. Price for one adult ticket at the door is 3,000 yen, so this is a great deal! Please check ricca ricca*festa website for more information.
Theater is just like a time machine. When you get inside, you will be able to travel to anywhere, anytime, past and future, or even inside someone’s head. Come to ricca ricca*festa with your friends and family and enjoy traveling around the world in seven days!

住所:〒903-0806 沖縄県那覇市首里汀良町3-82-5 2F
   一般社団法人 エーシーオー沖縄内

ricca ricca*festa office
Address: c/o ACO Okinawa
3-82-5-2F Shuri-Teracho, Naha, Okinawa 903-0806 JAPAN
Email: admin@nuchigusui-fest.com
Phone: +81 (0)3 5937 2827 (English)
      +81 (0)98 887 1333 (Japanese)