やんばるの森の拠点「Cafe Okinawa Rail」 "Cafe Okinawa Rail" in Kunigami Village, Okinawa

沖縄県北部の国頭村と大宜味村にまたがる大国林道をゆっくりとドライブしていると、森の真ん中に突如現れたCafe Okinawa Rail (カフェ オキナワ レイル)。そこは自然のリズムの中で、本と音楽と旬の食材が楽しめる、やんばるの森の拠点です。

Cafe Okinawa Rail is located on Okuni Rindo road in the middle of the forest of Yambaru (or Yanbaru) in Kunigami Village. On the contrary to its cold appearance outside, the cafe is filled with warmth and super eco-friendly!

やんばるくいなの Cafe Okinawa Rail

青の看板に白い文字で「民宿やんばるくいな荘 Cafe Okinawa Rail」と書かれています。

民宿なのか?カフェなのか? やんばるの森のど真ん中に、コンクリート打ちっぱなしのトレイラー型の建物が立っています。とりあえずトイレを使わせてもらおうと中を覗きました。図書室の様に壁一面が本棚になっていて、店の中央にアップライトピアノが置いてあります。

予想外の店内の雰囲気に、テンションが上がります。 テラス席に犬を連れて行っても大丈夫との事なので、昼時ということもあり、食事をしていく事にしました。

Cafe Okinawa Rail appears suddenly in the middle of the forest when you drive on Okuni Rindo road in Yambaru (See the article of 30 May 2017). Yambaru is the name for northern part of Okinawa’s main island, and the area was designated as Yambaru National Park in September 2016. “Okinawa Rail (Yambarukuina in Japanese)” is a bird that is indigenous to Yambaru area, and it is one of the endangered species and Japan’s natural treasure. Inside the building, one side of the wall is completely covered with book shelves, and looks like a small library. There is a piano in the middle of the room and jazz music is coming out from the speakers.

100% Off-The-Grid!


そして、何よりもすごいのは、この建物が100%「オフグリッド」である事です!オフグリッドとは、電気や水などのインフラ網に繋がっていない、という意味で、Okinawa Railは電気、水、浄化槽も完全にインフラ網から独立した建物です。




制限の厳しい区域だった為、建物を建てる許可を取るのが大変だったそうで (このエリアが「やんばる国立公園」に指定される2か月前に、建物は完成)、カフェの構想から完成まで6年の歳月を費やしたOkinawa Rail。ちなみにOkinawa Railとは、やんばるに生息する国の天然記念物の飛べない鳥、ヤンバルクイナの英語名です。

Mr. Kinjo, the owner, started the cafe in December 2016. Amazing thing about Okinawa Rail is that this building is 100% off-the-grid. Off-the-grid or off-grid is a life style which does not rely on the municipal infrastructure. Mr. Kinjo got the electrician license and installed the solar panels with his family when electric company told them it was impossible to set up the panels at the location. For drinking water, they drew water from the mountain. The water of the area is sweet and many people come to get the water to the forest and use it at home. Mr. Kinjo said some of them even came from Naha City! They use evaporation system for the wastewater. The water goes to the pool located at the field across from the cafe, and evaporates in the air by capillary action.

Read Book, Play Music, or Do Nothing!


やんばるの森の中に拠点を作りたかった、という金城さん。やんばるくいなの森の中にあるCafe Okinawa Railには贅沢な時間が流れます。

Mr. Kinjo said his father started guest house “Yanbarukuina So” in Hentona area in Kunigami Village 30 years ago, and they used to have music concerts in the forest where now cafe is at. Mr. Kinjo wanted to relax and read a book in the forest of Yambaru, and decided to open the cafe. There are currently 750 books selected by Mr. Kinjo and his family. Some books were donated by friends and customers. In order to have concerts, Mr. Kinjo brought the piano to the cafe. He said many customers coming to the cafe were musically talented. People come to Okinawa Rail and enjoy spending time however they like.

Colorful “Okinawa Rail Plate”

食事のメニューは「Okinawa Rail プレート(1180円)」のみです。運ばれてきた皿の上は色鮮やかで、まるで小さな庭のようです! 


メニューの最初のページにある言葉は、「晴れた日は電気が余って活動的に 曇りの日はほどほど 雨の日は静かに」。


The lunch menu is “Okinawa Rail Plate (1180 yen)”. It is very colorful, and looks like a small garden on the dish! Half of the vegetables used at Okinawa Rail are from Mr. Kinjo’s father’s garden across the cafe, and the other half is from the local area. Mr. Kinjo spends two days to bake bread himself. Everything is fresh and delicious! If you ever come to Yambaru area, it is worth while to take a detour and stop by Cafe Okinawa Rail.

Cafe Okinawa Rail
電話: 080-8350-5524

Cafe Okinawa Rail
Address: 2014-107 Taihojabaru, Okuma, Kunigami, Okinawa
Phone: 080-8350-5524