2020年秋、久しぶりにバイクを借りて伊計島へ向かいました。島の大半を占める畑の一角に、巨大な石おのに「イチの里 仲原遺跡(なかばるいせき)」と刻まれたオブジェを発見。バイクを下りて木々に囲まれた敷地内へ進むと、目の前に突如古代遺跡が姿を現しました。
In October last year, I rented a motorcycle and headed to Ikei Island and found Nakabaru Ruins in the middle of the fields by accident.
Driving to Ikei Island!
Ikei Island in Yonashiro, Uruma City is one of the remote islands off the coast of Katsuren Peninsula. However, the islands of Henza, Miyagi and Ikei are connected by Kaichu road and bridges, so many people visit the island by cars or motorcycles on a weekend or holiday.
国指定史跡 仲原遺跡
Nakabaru Ruins
I crossed Ikei Ohashi bridge and kept driving straight on the road between sugar cane and leaf tobacco fields, which cover a large part of the island. When I made a random turn at the one of the streets, I fond a big stone axe with “Ichi no Sato Nakabaru Ruins” engraved on it. As soon as getting off the motorcycle, I felt awe for the sight of prehistoric village right in front of my eyes. According to the Uruma City Cultural Property pamphlet, the site was discovered during the land improvement project in 1978. And later, it was designated as a National Historic Site in 1986 due to its high academic value. It is 2000-2500 year old ancient village remains which include 23 buildings, many shapes and sizes of potteries, stone axes, ornaments and household products made of bones of boar, dugong, whales and etc. The buildings have been restored based on folklore.
Life in Ancient Ikei Island

The smaller buildings are about 2-3m in diameter and big enough to sleep inside, just like camping tent. However, there is a fire place inside the larger building, which is about 5-6m in diameter, and it looks quite comfortable. The interior of the larger house reminded me of a building I saw at the village near the Amazon River in 2016. I stood at the edge of the ancient village of Ikei Island and imagined the life of the people in 2000 years ago. People would have gone to the sea to catch fish, and collect fruits and hunt boars in the jungle. There is fresh water spring called “In-na gaa” located north-east of the village and the water is still bubbling up today. I remembered the words of our guide in Amazon; “People live in the jungle are happy. They live with family, there is enough food in the jungle, and they can fish at the river. But if people move to a town, like Iquitos, they get stressed and become unhappy”.
The Katsuren Castle Rest Area

津堅島は別名キャロットアイランドと呼ばれ人参の産地として有名で、津堅島産人参ピューレと沖縄県産シークヮーサーが入った、着色料、保存料ゼロのサイダーです(200ml ¥270)。
The potteries excavated in Nakabaru Ruins are called “Nakabaru style pottery” and those were used to cook, store, and carry food. If you are interested in ancient potteries, you might want to visit the Katsuren Castle Ruins, the UNESCO World Heritage Site, in Katsuren, Uruma City. There is a rest area next to the parking lot and a couple of excavated potteries from ancient shell mound in Tsuken Island, located south of Katsuren Peninsula, are exhibited.
Nakabaru Ruins
Yonashiro-Ikei, Uruma City, Okinawa
TEL: 098-978-7373
Katsuren Jo Site Rest Area
3908 Katsuren-Haebaru, Uruma City, Okinawa
Phone: 098-978-7373