干潟に広がる小宇宙、宜野座村松田の潟原を探査せよ!Walking on the Tidal Flat in Katabaru, Ginoza Village


Katabaru is an area of Matsuda Ward in Ginoza Village on east coast of Okinawa Island. When the tide goes out, a huge red tidal flat appears on the coast of Katabaru. Although it does not look like there is much to see from a distance, you can find many interesting creatures there, and enjoy breath taking view when you walk on the tidal flat!

Desert of Red Clay





Around the area where Route 329 and Route 71 meet is Katabaru. If you go towards the ocean from the intersection, you will see seawalls along the road and you can walk down to the tidal flat from there. When the tide is on the ebb, with ripple marks and driftwoods, it looks like red desert spreading in front of your eyes.

Crabs Everywhere!



少し前にネットで見た「銀河系を遠くから見た姿」(The Most Detailed Map to Date of Our Place in the Universe)の様にも見えます。こうなると、想像がどんどん膨らみ始めます。カニの巣穴がブラックホールで、この干潟が全宇宙。でもその向こうには広大な太平洋が広がっていて・・・と果てしなく続いていきます。

こちらも、近づくと素早く砂の中へ潜って行きます。ミナミコメツキガニは、横へ移動するカニ歩きではなく集団で前進するので、英語では「Soldier crab(ソルジャークラブ)」と呼ばれています。沖縄に生息するミナミコメツキガニも琉球列島固有種だそうです。


When you stand on the tidal flat, you will see whole area covered with hundreds and thousands of crabs and small sand balls. One kind of crabs live there is called Ryukyu Kometsukigani (Scopimera ryukyuensis). In 2010, researchers found out that Ryukyu Kometsukigani are new species and Ryukyu Islands endemic species. Ryukyu Kometsukigani takes nutrients out of sands and spits out the sand balls. Around its burrow, small sand balls make patters like fireworks . It also reminds me of “The Most Detailed Map to Date of Our Place in the Universe” which I saw on the internet the other day. Then, I started to imagine that burrows of crabs are black holes and the tidal flat is the entire universe, but there is ocean beyond the universe, and goes on and on…! I stood up and walked towards the edge of the universe. Near the water, there were groups of bigger grayish purple crabs on the sands. These are “soldier crabs (Mictyris brevidactylus)”. They walk forward instead of to the side just like an army of soldiers. Soldier crabs in Okinawa are Ryukyu Islands endemic species also.

Other Inhabitants of the Tidal Flat







There are more lives on the tidal flat of Katabaru. A shell fish “Natica gualteriana” moves on the sand looking for clams. “Urechis unicinctus” has snout at the one end of the body and stretches it out of the sand. The actual body is under deep sand and looks like round earthworm. In the shallow water, there are many small fish and “Okinawa-fugu (Chelonodon patoca)” swimming around. A “Great egret” and “Pacific reef heron” are trying to catch them. The tidal flat is filled with lives!

Breath Taking View!




I went back to Katabaru on a different day. When I got there right after sunrise, the area was still filled with water. After awhile, the tide started to go out and tidal flat appeared. I took off my sandals and walked barefoot on the sand. There are not so many big rocks or debris and sands under my feet were soft and very comfortable. Sky reflected on the places where water was still left.
“And I think to myself what a wonderful world”!